Mark, is a most remarkable guy. He truly does pack what he advertises, but he is o much more than an enormous cock, he is an amazingly polite gentleman. What a delight it was to be in his company for a few hours one afternoon.He welcomes you very enthusiastically into his hotel room. A very well toned muscled body. and proceeds to put you at ease. He likes to commence with a massage to try and set you at ease. This is all done before you are introduced to the monster. When you are introduced to Mark's immense masculinity it isn't half as scary as you might imagine. I slipped down onto him whilst he was semi, and let him grow and stretch inside, man what an amazing sensation that is, you truly become bonded to Mark. The sensations that transmit from him throughout your body are amazing and that long length stroking in and out of you, I have never experienced anything like it. It is worth trying it will be the troip of a lifetime.